Spa Escape for Two

From £735
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From £735
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Spa Escape for Two

Dinner Bed and Breakfast with a Morning or Afternoon Retreat Spa Experience (dependent on availability)
Morning 8.30am- 9am arrival, 12- 12.30pm departure
Afternoon 12.30pm- 1pm arrival, 4pm- 4.30pm departure

60-minute treatment from the choices below:

Natura Bisse O2 Relax Facial
Natura Bisse Stabilising Experience Facial
Natura Bisse Skin Comfort Facial
Natura Bisse Citrus Essence Facial
Natura Bisse Full Body Massage
Natura Bisse Stabilising Body Treatment
Natura Bisse Revitalising Body Scrub
Natura Bisse 3D Collagen Shock Facial
OSKIA Revitalising Super C Facial
OSKIA Indulgent Escape Facial
OSKIA Pure & Revive Facial
OSKIA Bespoke Nurturing Warm Oil Full Body Massage
OSKIA Bio Active Back Treatment
OSKIA Circadian-Syncing Deep Sleep Massage
OSKIA Nurturing Mother to Be Massage
Gel Manicure
Gel Pedicure
Complimentary tote bag and flip flops and hire of robes and towels.
Complimentary tea and coffee

Please contact us directly for terms & conditions.